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Tuesday Moderate Ride – June 30th – 9:00 AM – Pane...
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Tuesday Moderate Ride – June 30th – 9:00 AM – Panera

This week is an open date on the ride schedule -- no named destination, just the fact of a Tuesday Moderate Ride. I usually use these open dates as rain dates or to try out a new ride. We’ve had lots of rides canceled by rain this year, so there are lots of options. One of those canceled rides is my Riverwoods Ride with lunch at Greek Feast. Since my other guideline for dealing with open dates is: “when in doubt go to lunch at Greek Feast” this was an easy decision.

Here is a link to the route I will use: RiverwoodsGrkFeast · Ride with GPS. The total distance is about 40 miles. I will ride at a moderate (13 – 15 mph) pace. With enough interest, Len will lead a second slightly faster group.

Tuesday’s weather looks reasonably good for a bike ride – mixed clouds and sunshine with a high near 85 and winds from the NE at 5 to 10 mph. The chance of rain is less than 20 percent.

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