Club List Serves
These forums are provided to facilitate communication by the EBC leadership and among club members about the activities of the club and matters of interest that relate to cycling. Anyone posting an inappropriate message may be contacted and reminded not to post such messages again. If inappropriate postings continue, the member will be placed in a moderated status and his/her messages must be approved by the webmaster or the forum’s moderator prior to posting.
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This forum is the official record of rides that have been added, changed or cancelled on the Rides & Events Schedule. Only Ride Leaders may post messages to this forum. New rides are to be posted by noon on the day prior to the ride.
12:10 PM
This forum is for EBC members to pose questions or to share information about cycling or social events open to all EBC members. Solicitations for commercial goods/services or charities are not permitted, but club members may post messages about personal biking gear or bikes they wish to sell or donate.
8:17 AM