Tuesday Moderate Ride – January 17th – 9:00 AM – Panera
It looks like there should be a break in the rain on Tuesday, with the temperature steady in the lower 40s. It will be a bit windy – 10 to 20 mph from the WSW, I’m planning to lead a ride to La Casa De Isaac & Moishe in Highland Park. This Mexican restaurant also serves several Jewish favorites including Blintzes and a Lox Plate.
Here is a link to the route I will be using: CasaIsaacMoishe - A bike ride in Wilmette, IL (ridewithgps.com). Our total distance will be around 30 miles. I will ride at a moderate pace – 13 to 15 mph. Currently the Heller Nature Center does not open until 11:30 AM on Tuesdays, so we will change our rest stop to the CVS on Clavey Road.
If the weather should turn out to be less conducive to a comfortable winter ride, I will post a cancelation notice before 8:00 AM on Tuesday.