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Fast+ Sunday Mar 17 Remote Start: Wauconda 8:50 am...
Randy Pickard

47 miles winding through beautiful Northeast Illinois over quiet secondary roads with SAG support. Day of ride registration is $10.

This is an enjoyable ride. And tough to beat a ride that features tasty baked goods and a scenic route for just a $10 day of ride fee with no pre-registration required.

We'll meet at Wauconda High School at 8:50 am (with the intent of getting into the registration line before 9 am up). We will do both loops (38 miles) and may add to the route with our own extension (8.5 miles) for a total around 47 miles.

Bring cash or check. No credit/debit cards accepted

Here is link to the ride page with location and directions:

And here is a route map that includes both the 17 and 21 mile loops:

8.5 mile extension (if we decide 38 miles is a bit short to justify the drive to Wauconda we can add this. If anyone knows the area, please feel free to come up with a better extension route):

Wauconda High School, 555 N. Main Street, Wauconda, IL 60084

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