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There is an excellent book about exercise for us aging folks titled Age-Defying Fitness by Marilyn Moffat and Carole B.Lewis, a pair of physical therapists. Lots of exercises for strength, flexibility, and balance. Most of us will choose only a few for our exercise routine, and depending on genetic factors, injury history, and past joint abuse there will be a few that will be out of the question.

There are three isometric holds that I think almost everyone should do for basic quality of life strength. These are all illustrated in this book - wall slide, trunk and hip bridging, and the plank.

My physical condition deteriorated during the past two years. I am trying to rebuild my bicycling strength to be able to do casual pace EBC rides. I can't bend over much and I can't use bicycle clips. What are some physical exercises I can do at home and at the YMCA to build up my bicylcling strength? Thanks for any suggestions. Gordon Berry

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